We recommend these top 20 influential environmental websites: Global Resources for Climate, Biodiversity, and Sustainability.

  1. Climate Reality Project: Focused on raising awareness about climate change and driving solutions. https://www.climaterealityproject.org
  2. InsideClimate News: An online news organization covering clean energy, carbon energy, nuclear energy, and environmental science. https://insideclimatenews.org
  3. Skeptical Science: Publishes articles on climate science and policy, addressing common misconceptions about climate change. https://skepticalscience.com
  4. RealClimate: A commentary site by working climate scientists discussing climate science topics. https://realclimate.org
  5. Global Fishing Watch: Enables citizens to monitor fishing activities globally, promoting sustainable fishing practices. https://globalfishingwatch.org
  6. Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF): Provides access to data on global biodiversity to support sustainable development. https://gbif.org
  7. ARKive: A global initiative to gather films, photographs, and audio recordings of the world’s species into a centralized digital library. https://arkive.org
  8. Greenmuseum.org: An online museum of environmental art, offering a forum, toolbox, and event listings. https://greenmuseum.org
  9. Clean Energy Project: A distributed computing project researching organic compounds for solar cells and fuel cells. https://cleanenergyproject.org
  10. Wind ENergy Data & Information (WENDI) Gateway: Provides access to wind energy-related data and information from various sources. https://wendi.nrel.gov
  11. CoolCalifornia.org: Offers resources to help Californians reduce their environmental impact and combat climate change. https://coolcalifornia.org
  12. TerraPass: Funds greenhouse gas reduction projects in the U.S. and offers carbon offsets to individuals and businesses. https://terrapass.com
  13. Grist: An online, non-profit environmental magazine and blog offering news and commentary on environmental issues. https://grist.org
  14. TreeHugger: A sustainability blog covering green design, technology, and environmental news. https://treehugger.com
  15. Inhabitat: A weblog about trends toward environmental sustainability in design and architecture. https://inhabitat.com
  16. Earth System Grid (ESG): Distributes data for climate research, including IPCC assessment reports. https://earthsystemgrid.org
  17. Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN): A database of temperature, precipitation, and pressure records for climate analysis. https://ghcn.ncdc.noaa.gov
  18. Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW): Monitors trends in the Earth’s atmosphere to understand changes in atmospheric composition. https://gaw.kishou.go.jp
  19. Carbonfund.org: Provides carbon offsetting and greenhouse gas reduction products to individuals, businesses, and organizations. https://carbonfund.org
  20. Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature (BEST): An effort to provide an open database and analysis of Earth’s surface temperatures and trends. https://berkeleyearth.org

These websites offer a wealth of information and resources on various environmental topics, from climate change and biodiversity to renewable energy and sustainable living.